Cenote Zaci

Tips for visiting Chichén-Itzá

Hey there! Take note of these tips for visiting Chichén-Itzá and enjoying your visit to the max.

One of the ancient wonders of the world is in Mexico, and it’s also in one of the most beautiful states in the entire country: Yucatán.In this archaeological zone you can see the ruins of one of the most striking ancient cultures. The Mayan culture flourished for many centuries, approximately from 2000 BC. until 1500 AD.

They spread throughout the Southeast of Mexico reaching as far as Central America. This great boom allowed them to build with great success cities, ceremonial centers and palaces.

There are dozens of ruins and pyramids named as Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Chichén-Itzá, in addition to having been named Cultural Heritage, also obtained the recognition of Wonder of the World.

Tips and recommendations for visiting Chichén-Itzá

Arrive early in the morning.

8 am is the ideal time to get to Chichén Itzá. Within this archaeological zone there are very few places to hide from the strong rays of the sun, so the earlier you arrive, the sun's rays will be less intense and you will be able to enjoy the tour.

You can also avoid lines at the ticket offices and people sneaking into your photos.

Wear the appropriate clothing for walking through the site.

A hat is the first thing you should put on before starting the tour, you must accompany it with a good sunscreen, and make sure to reapply after 2 hours.

Also, make sure to wear comfortable shoes. We recommend wearing tennis shoes. Flip-flops or sandals can result in blisters and ant stings.

Your clothes should be comfortable, keep you cool, and preferably cover your arms and legs. 

Keep hydrated

This is an essential point, the humidity and heat will make you lose a lot of liquids while touring Chichén-Itzá; make sure to bring a flask or thermo with cool water, or at least a bottle of water. Of course you can find bottled water within the archaeological site, however it comes with a price and should be left as a last option. Also, bringing your own flask or thermo will leave less trash behind.

Follow the signs, and don’t enter the restricted areas!

It is very important that you follow this recommendation, as breaking any of the rules within the archaeological zone could lead to problems with the state authorities. DO NOT cross the marked lines, and this includes not climbing any of the pyramids as it’s strictly forbidden. 

Also, do not mistreat or damage any of the Mayan buildings or structures as you can get a fine or get arrested. Last but not least, do not leave any garbage behind. Look for a trash bin and get rid of your trash responsibly. 

If you are Mexican, access is free on Sundays.

Make sure to bring an official ID and make sure to get as early as possible, since lines get quite long on this day.Important: this free access also applies to foreigners with a temporary or permanent visa! 

Research, find out and enjoy it.

You have two options: hire a guide to give you the tour and tell you everything you need to know about Chichen Itzá, or research the history of the place on your own and enjoy it while discovering one of the most important legacies of the Mayan culture.

Do they allow photographic cameras in Chichén Itzá?

Yes, it is possible to bring your camera, but you will have to pay an extra cost when entering the archaeological zone. In 2021 the fee was $45 mxn per camera.You don’t need to pay this fee for taking pictures with your phone. Drones are not allowed within Chichen Itza, unless you get a special permission, which has to be requested beforehand.

Chichén-Itzá is one of the many archeological sites in the Yucatan Peninsula, and is one of the closest to Valladolid, the other being Ek Balam and Aké. So don't miss out! Plan your visit to Chichen Itza and enjoy this beautiful place.

Also, make the most out of your visit to Valladolid with VallaMapa, and don’t miss any of the attractions that this town has to offer!