
Showing posts with the label Mexican Law

Buying Property in Valladolid Yucatan, Frequently Asked Questions

  Buying Property in Valladolid Yucatan, Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions As a Real Estate Agency working with foreigners in Valladolid, Yucatan, we often have to answer our clients' questions about moving to Mexico, purchasing property in Mexico, and immigration matters. We decided to write this post to share some of the most frequently asked questions, knowing that many other foreigners are looking for a home in the Yucatan. Do I have to get a visa to live in Mexico? Well, it depends on how long you are planning to stay. Many foreigners purchase a home in Valladolid but spend long periods back home. These “snowbirds” can stay for as long as 180 days (6 months) on a tourist visa and then either go back home or leave the country and re-enter to get another tourist visa for another 180 days. If you are planning to live permanently in Mexico, then you need to get a Temporary resident visa or Permanent resident visa card. If you are planning to get a visa, it is e...

What requirements do I need to sell a house in Mexico?

  What requirements do I need to sell a house in Mexico? Winter is a season when the Yucatan attracts many foreign tourists who come to escape the icy winters in North America and Europe. The influx of tourists and “Snowbirds” who spend the winter in this region is reflected in more sales and rents for our real estate agency. This is the ideal time to put your property out there and make sure to reach potential buyers. If you have been considering selling or renting your house in Valladolid, you will indeed have questions about the documents you require to carry out this movement. In this article, we list the most important documents you need to sell your home in Mexico. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR THE SALE OF A PROPERTY IN MEXICO 1. COPY OF DEED 2. COPY OF THE RECEIPT OF THE PROPERTY TAX (PREDIAL) 3. COPY OF CEDULA AND CATASTRAL PLAN 4. IDENTIFICATION OF SELLER OR SELLERS 5. PROOF OF ADDRESS (WATER OR ELECTRIC, ON BEHALF OF OWNER OR DIRECT FAMILY MEMBER) 6. IF YOU HAD A MORTGAGE, A LET...

September: the month to prepare your Mexican Will

  September: the month to prepare your Mexican Will September is the month to celebrate the Mexican Independence festivities, which fill the streets of Valladolid with joy and color. But it is also essential to know that September is the month to make our Testament! If you are a foreigner living in Mexico, it is essential to know that your Mexican assets must be in a Mexican will. A Testament will allow your family to safeguard your Mexican properties and belongings. Testament Month in Yucatan: What is it? A will is a necessary document to manage family assets. When a person dies without a will, surviving family members must spend time, money, and effort on long legal processes to take control of any properties or belongings left behind. In September, the state government eliminates the payment of rights, allowing prices to be lowered by up to 50%—a considerable discount!   September month of the Testament in Yucatan: How much does it cost? With the discounts applied during Se...