Traditional Pasta tiles in the Yucatan


Traditional Pasta tiles in the Yucatan

Traditional tiles are a legacy of the colonial period in Yucatán. They have been essential. Many Colonial Houses in the area have these colorful tiles. Read more about the Yucatecan Pasta Tiles.

Colonial houses are characterized by elegant facades, high ceilings, wide walls, and pasta tile floors. 

It is expected that these Colonial Houses will be adapted to businesses such as hotels, boutiques, and restaurants. These colorful tiles are everywhere on the Peninsula.

The History of Traditional Pasta Tiles


The origin of this beautiful Yucatecan tradition dates back to the 19th century. At this time, the owners of the Casonas sought to follow European influences to decorate their colonial buildings. In places like France, these mosaics were regularly created and designed.


Since these Casonas are at least 150 years old, it is fortunate to find a house with the original floor in excellent condition; however, many of these properties still retain much of their original mosaics.

The value of this type of tile is usually higher than that of other types of flooring for the home. Each piece is handmade, and the process and materials make it so costly.

How are these artisan pasta tiles made?

It all starts with mixing the necessary ingredients: white cement, marble dust, sand, water, and pigments to give it color. All this is mixed and later placed in a previously designed mold. They put the mixture according to the colors and patterns the client wishes.

The mosaic is made by compressing the mixed materials. It is then left to dry for 28 days.

The craftsmen work by hand and one by one, so you know, when you see a flat of this type, appreciate it and take care of it.

Advantages of having these pasta tiles at home.

The mosaic or tile usually ends with 20 or 25 mm thick, the millimeters necessary to make it resistant to shocks and high temperatures.

The best thing about this type of floor is that you can choose your design and colors, and it has a tremendously long life.

One downside is that it can be a bit slippery when in contact with water and some shoe soles, so be careful.

In Valladolid, there are many colonial houses with the original pasta floor; it is very nice to see this type of craft and find it in public places such as restaurants, hotels, and the town's municipal palace.

Visit Valladolid, fall in love, and let yourself be carried away by all the beauty that floods every corner of this magical town. You will love it!


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