Aloe Vera and its use in Yucatan


Aloe Vera and its use in Yucatan

Is aloe essential in Yucatán?

There is much to say about aloe vera and its use in Yucatán. First, you should know that there are many aloe plantations in Yucatan. The state is among the top three producers of aloe in the entire country.

Although it is not native to Mexico but rather to the Mediterranean, Yucatán is still an ideal place for this plant's growth. The climatic conditions of the Yucatan Peninsula are particular. Humidity abounds in all seasons of the year, especially in the rainy season.

You probably think that the amount of water that rains during the year is a lot, and it is that, yes, it rains too much; the not-so-secret secret is the type of soil we have here.

The soil permeability is very high. The rocks found here are limestone; therefore, even if it rains for days, the plantations are never flooded.

Consequently, the businesses that produce, use, and export aloe are very important to the state economy. These companies create jobs for thousands and thousands of people.

What is used from Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera?

Above all, the leaf's pulp is used. The aloe leaves are cut, and the thicker and greener skin is separated from them. Later, the pulp is extracted; it is a transparent gel. It is processed and used in different products for personal use and human consumption.

Aloe has many benefits and has been used for generations.

Many know the benefits of aloe vera or aloe vera. It first serves as a potential healing for the skin, as well as an antiseptic and antifungal.

Another benefit is relief from burning. It should be used with care on skin burns from the sun or other agents. It may also improve digestion.

As you can imagine, the list of advantages is long; due to this, many of the producers in Yucatan have decided to start making products with this medicinal ingredient.

Aloe Vera and its use in Yucatán.

Among some products that are made with aloe vera in Yucatan, body soaps and shampoos stand out. Drinkable concentrates and body creams are also commonly seen.

In the beautiful Magic Town of Valladolid, a family business has been working with aloe vera for more than 50 years and creating high-quality products, including shampoos, conditioners, mosquito repellants, sun blockers, soaps, and face and body creams.

In "Aloe Vera Zací Products," you can find all this. The benefits of this plant can be reflected in the skin, hair, and even the digestive system. The creators of each of the aloe products took advantage of this, so you can find many options.

If you want to know more about this 100% Vallisoletana company, watch this video. We had the good fortune to visit the factory of "Zací Aloe Vera Products" and interview its owner.

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